First appeared on Costa Women, the social and business networking site for Women living in Spain - join for free at
Introducing ...
Why Spain?
I arrived on the Costa Blanca in 1986 with my family, age thirteen. We moved to Altea six months after coming on holiday-my parents fell in love with the place…yes spontaneity runs in my family!
Before Spain you were…
I was busy being a moody adolescent in Surrey (East Molesey to be exact) I was in my second year at secondary school, which I hated! Therefore I was initially glad to embrace the adventure of moving abroad and leaving school and grey skies behind…if only I had known what awaited me!
How did you choose where you live in Spain?
We had rented an old pueblo house in Altea through UK friends-my parents initially came out to visit friends in Jesus Pobre and were blown away by the beauty of the area and obviously the climate and life style. My father flew out first and found us an old beachside apartment to rent in Altea…
Blogging… 1000 miles from nowhere – where did the name come from?
It is the name of my first novel which was originally entitled, ‘A 1000 miles of space’ alluding to the physical and emotional space between two people but then I heard a track with the above name and said, that’s it! That’s the right name for the book; the other sounded a bit Sci-Fi apparently…
But you have a few more blogs too! How did you blogging life start?
I’ve always written in some form or another but finally took the plunge and submitted some newspaper articles which were subsequently published. As my confidence increased I began to blog and share my rather insane thoughts with the world!
One piece of advice to new bloggers
I’m very inexperienced with regards to marketing so If you really want people to sit up and take notice it’s worth learning how to reach a wider audience or if you can afford to pay, find an expert to get you started! (I’m still learning as I go along)
Tell us about your alter ego Saffron Mello Castro – where did she come from and what has she created?
I’ve always liked the name Saffron and I think it suits me, plus I used to wear a lot of orange hence it became a bit of a nickname! The surname comes from my Portuguese/Indian roots-my grandmother’s maiden name. ‘Saffron’ is the author of ‘ A Thousand Miles from nowhere’
Best part of publishing a book is…
The personal achievement in finally completing it (mine took a good long while!) and when someone genuinely loves it - that is a very satisfactory feeling
Who has most influenced you?
Ooh difficult-anyone I’ve admired along the way who has achieved their dream without being at other people’s expense! Or hasn’t given up in the face of adversity.
Favourite quote and why?
This is a bit tongue in cheek but I remember hearing this as a young girl and repeating it just to annoy people: ‘Never underestimate the power of a woman’! Though there is a nice Paulo Coelho quote at beginning of my novel…
Your table of 8 writers and book characters; who would they be and what fictional meal would you recreate?
This is going to sound really bizarre: Ozzy Ozbourne (read his authobiography), Paulo Coelho, Saffron MC, Esther Freud, Hunter S Thompson, Elizabeth Gilbert, John Pilger and Jesus - How about the last supper?! I did warn you…
If someone were to play you in a movie, who would they be and what would the film be?
Excuse the plug but it would have to be the film version of my book! All throughout the writing process I imagined the book as a film and already have the soundtrack prepared and have spoken to a director but as for the actress that is where I draw a complete blank - anyone up for the job?!
One thing you will achieve before the bells of 2013 chime for the last time?
Getting my novel out to a wide audience and getting some form of positive recognition…
Your style is…
Hippy/Boho/rock-chick…rastro/market specials!
Is there another book in the planning?
I know it’s really important to continue with the creative process and grow and improve so…yes! I may attempt to write about my Father’s bizarre beginnings in India and UK as an immigrant and possibly also take on 50 shades! (only joking-but something along those lines..;)
Where do we find out more about your book and blog life?
Book: 1000 Miles from Nowhere
Thank you
First appeared on Costa Women, the social and business networking site for Women living in Spain - join for free at
First appeared on Costa Women, the social and business networking site for Women living in Spain - join for free at