I forgive you if you are already thinking;
what the hell is this woman on about now?!
Actually, I’m pretty much wondering the
same thing myself…
Some like myself ‘suffer’ from what is commonly referred to
as an over active mind-which can be rather overwhelming at times.
I woke up sweating and breathing heavily
(No-stop right there dirty minded people!) after a very strong dream about
alien invasion-the end of the world- and an orange moon…horribly real-and yes I know there is an
orange moon at present so not exactly strange…but disturbing nonetheless.
immediately picked up the nearest book to my bed which happens to be ‘Osho’ on
meditation-whilst having the Yusuf Cat Stevens song ‘Miles from nowhere’ on endless
play in my mind (an important person in my life during my childhood years)
thought of Gabriel Garcia Marquez-‘A hundred years of solitude’,a book I read
in my teens purely because I fell in love with the title, and ah yes, Tom Wolfe, 'The Electric kool Aid Acid Test' also in my head, yes another influential book for my
own novel and in my younger years.
Let’s not forget the endless list of need
to do’s next week-next month-next year-swirling around making me dizzy…all this
before 9.am on a Saturday morning!
Now perhaps you understand my need to truly
learn the art of meditation-that endless mind chatter can be soooo tiring at
times…yes I have read ‘The power of now’ before anyone thinks of recommending
This is when I HAVE TO WRITE or I will go mad- I have the idea for two
other novels swirling around not to mention the piece on the Spanish Civil war
just waiting to be finished but in the meantime it has been a positive time
recently as I learn from both good and not so good experiences that life throws
at you: I have had two radio interviews about my book-one in Spanish and one
live in English-I enjoyed both immensely and felt very comfortable and
immediately thought how I would love to have my own show! Ah let the good music
Ah yes and an article in the local press too with two more to go; given I
have no experience of marketing and am learning to self -promote this is all a
steep learning curve for me. I am now working on the short 7 min video of my
radio interview on Spanish radio with images and music to compliment –eye catching
is what we want!
Spring is in the air-stunning weather-nature
is vibrant with energy-the air is buzzing and so is my head!
The not so good
experiences I shall leave out but let’s just say there is going to come a point
when I shall have to say what is on my mind in a dignified controlled manner
and let certain people know that respect is mutual particularly when in
employer/employee situation-finally a level of maturity-not many years ago I
would have blown up (I so nearly did!) stormed out in a torrent of expletives…
something to be said about reaching 40 ;)
Well I shall leave you with Yusu Cat Stevens,
the local paper and Tome Wolfe:
Have a nice day!