My semi -autobiographical novel, ‘A THOUSAND MILES FROM NOWHERE’ is now on sale-in paperback and E-book. For those of you who don’t know, this is the new version-professionally edited, some minor changes to story including a new ending and published by ‘ANT PRESS’ publications! It is available to purchase on a number of different sites including; Amazon-Barnes and Noble-iTunes-Book-depository etc the links are below
Happy reading and enjoy the trip ;)
Amazon UK
Amazon com
Ant Press
Hi everyone-I would like to ask those of you who have a bought a copy of the novel to get a picture of yourself reading it somewhere where you can see a famous monument or street sign in your town or city to add to a collage I'm going to make on my blog-just send it to me so i can check it first (no nudity please! haha!) I can also feature it on the author Facebook site and novel Facebook site. Thank you X