Greetings from Spain, sunny on the outside, somewhat darker on the inside…

The release of a lab created virus to create global chaos as part of the plan for the ‘Great Reset’ caught me off guard. I had been preparing for global meltdown on many levels for years and was no stranger to the dangerous power and games of Gran Pharma, the most powerful mafia on the planet. My extremely unpleasant personal experiences of Prozac, ‘the miracle drug’ lead me to investigating the hidden agendas, fatal side effects and much more back in the 90s. I was under no illusion as to what they were capable of and what happens to many who publicly confront them.

Nevertheless, despite watching closely as the first stories from Wuhan were being released in mainstream media and aware that the Brexit farce was being used as the great distractor, I was busy with my own huge life changes and momentarily took my eye off the ball.

My youngest daughter and I had decided to return to the UK to start a new life in January 2020, a journey which included both fleeing an airport fire then dangerous floods in the UK-possibly warning signs of what was about to come!

Part of our new beginning included a month in the Middle East where my sister resided, sharing some family time and discussing our new path and options.

We landed in Dubai in February 2020 and things were already speeding up. Masks and hand sanitizer were becoming mandatory in most indoor areas long before Europe. It was a shock and a jolt, and I was instantly on edge observing what was happening, how things were escalating and yet my friends and family back in Europe thought my concerns were exaggerated. No, I was not frightened of the ‘virus’ but afraid of the repercussions of ‘control strategies’ being put in place. I knew this was the beginning of a very long journey on all levels. Borders began to quietly close around us whilst most remained oblivious and believing the official narrative. I sat in a five- star resort on a day trip, tourists laughing and taking selfies around me, whilst I began writing a survival list for the future, anticipating economic collapse, food shortages and much more. My family thought I was crazy, but my intuition told me this was it, the premonitions of global chaos and change I’d been feeling for years were finally coming true. Actually, it was a relief to feel the beginning of the shift. 

I told everyone the virus would be the tool used for control and implementation of changes to freedom that under no other circumstances would the majority of the global population agree to in so called democratic countries but through the most powerful tool of control, ‘fear’, they would manipulate the masses into doing pretty much what they wanted. The world was hypnotized, and all remnants of critical thinking and logic seemed to disappear overnight. My daughter and I became sick, paranoia reigned around us, as suddenly the common cold, the flu and pretty much every other disease seemed to have miraculously disappeared and only ‘The Virus’ existed!

We visited a doctor who warned us that my daughter’s symptoms seemed to be those of the virus but reassured us that with plenty of warm drinks, high dose of vit D3, C and zinc the worst should pass. However, she warned us there was about to be a lockdown and we should leave the country asap. She knew before it became official news. And so it happened, almost overnight without warning, we had 24 hours to leave the country, on the last two seats on Turkish airlines before Turkey closed it borders (our airline tickets were via Istanbul). Still the expats were incapable of believing that Dubai would go into lockdown or that Emirates would stop flying. Cognitive dissonance? A complete inability to process the idea that their perception of reality was about to come crashing down? Surely things like this only happened on Netflix?

The chaos had truly begun: The airports were brimming with anxious passengers hurrying to return to their home countries. The stress was palpable.

We cried as we said our farewells to the family, already knowing things would never be the same again. Turns out I was right sadly; over the following nine months we would lose three of our dearest family members in tragic circumstances.

It was a hideously stressful and bizarre journey: We returned to a half empty Gatwick airport, very eerie indeed. As we sat in the airport hotel attempting to process the enormity of what was going on, feeling lost and disoriented, things suddenly became much worse. The person we were meant to be living with suddenly decided we were no longer welcome (all our belongings were there at his property) Our UK family were trapped in different parts of the world, their flights canceled and unable to return. Having lived away for many years, we were very disconnected from old friends and suddenly it dawned on us we had nowhere to go. We sat in the hotel for four days frightened and exhausted, our savings rapidly depleting. The first news was that Spain had closed its borders but then a glimmer of hope appeared when we found out that nationals and residents were being allowed back in. So much for our new life back in the UK. Our return flight to Spain was the strangest experience ever, ten of us passengers on a BA flight, all in masks and silent. Even the cloud formations looked completely different, perhaps due to a reduction in air pollution? Our return was not a happy one, indeed it was extremely traumatic. My frightened father picked us up and almost threw us out the car when we arrived home. I was darkly amused at his appearance, wearing marigold gloves and a huge scarf covering his nose instead of a mask, he had the appearance of a deranged terrorist…

That was the last glimpse I would have of him for a long while as we entered one of the strictest lockdowns in the world aside from Italy and Wuhan. It was mental hell. Myself, my two daughters and four cats locked in a flat for months apart from occasional supermarket and pharmacy trips, no exercise allowed. Constant police patrols and even the military at one point were sent in to intimidate. I felt I was living an Orwellian nightmare and my daughters feared for my sanity. I spent most of those days researching to the extreme, everything from CIA files, Wikileaks, government files, pharmaceutical sites, tracked down whistleblowers, looked at Climate change stories, Solar cycles, UN agenda 2030…the list is endless. I saw the beginning of censorship in ways I’d never seen in the West before. I refused to go out on the balcony and applaud the health service telling my kids I felt I was part of the Fourth Reich…

 I discovered people on YouTube agreeing with me even if most around me still thought I was overreacting…

From the moment we were told we would be ‘quarantined’ for only two weeks I knew it was bullshit and lies. On what planet does a real ‘Pandemic’ disappear in two weeks? Of course, they would not tell the truth at any point and still people believed their governments had their best interests at heart. I refused to believe the official narrative that cash was being declined because of the virus which was absolutely nonsensical when it was evidently the beginning of openly eradicating cash and ushering in the digital currency era and social credit system. Slowly people around me began questioning. From day one the numbers did not add up. I continued with my prolific research which resulted in my book, ‘2020 when time stood still’ a story which I described as a ‘Sci Fi/fantasy/thriller in order to sugar coat my damning discoveries and accusations of government-controlled genocide.

Tragically In August 2020 my young cousin was murdered alongside his partner in Malta. We attended his funeral in the UK and attempted once more to start a fresh there only to be plunged back into another lockdown, losing my job and in December returned back to Spain yet again wondering what the hell was going to happen next.

My friends and acquaintances really began ‘waking up’ which was a big relief in some very lonely moments. I became part of a dissident movement and my friend, and I organized protests locally and participated in a global protest in Spain’s capital, Madrid where I connected with Chinese whistleblowers who confirmed my findings on Wuhan that went back long before the official stories. These have since been confirmed or rather admitted by international governments. I would also end up speaking face to face online with some of the world- famous whistleblowers who I had seen interviewed at the very beginning of this unbelievable saga.

Sadly, my favorite uncle, my father’s brother, suddenly died in Stockholm. His death was blamed on the virus though he had Lewy bodies dementia and other complications and six weeks later, my worst nightmare came true: My father became ill, a very fit young looking 78-year-old, who was less fearful than he had been in the beginning yet still refused to travel. Sadly, he never got to meet his new grandchild in Dubai through fear yet instead was diagnosed locally, alongside my mother who barely had a symptom, with the ‘virus’ as well as other complications and we were plunged into hell. The horrors of which I’d read about; the dreaded ventilator, the rules barring us from being with our loved one etc. I only saw my father conscious one more time and Thank God, I told him then I loved him before he was put in an induced coma from which he never recovered. We fought tooth and nail to be by his side. My sister travelled twice from Dubai fighting to see him, even though she had been vaccinated and had negative PCR tests they refused to allow her in, the only visit was to say goodbye when his heart and lungs could no longer withstand the ventilator. The pain is unbearable, being separated from a dying loved one. My anger at the unjust system, nonsensical rules and overwhelming grief at times is too much and as I write this, I feel I will never recover from this pain.

 I long to tell my father my stories of the Chinese whistleblowers I met, how I appeared on their dissident news channel with over 160,000 views, he would laugh but not be surprised. One of the last things he called me was his wild child. Losing my father during these dark times has been the worst experience of my life.

From the very beginning one of my biggest concerns was for people’s mental health which would be dangerously compromised through fear, isolation and loneliness. A very poignant image which will forever remain imprinted upon my mind was the scene of local children’s parks/play areas closed up with police tape as if they were crime scenes. There was no sound of children’s laughter and play. It was desolate. I knew then that children and young people were going to bear the brunt of horrific decisions taken by the authorities which would affect them for the rest of their lives, being told not to touch, hug or kiss their friends and relatives. I have studied clinical hypnosis and know the effects of such fear tactics on a young impressionable mind.

I was correct, and as time went on suicide rates began to go sky high particularly amongst young people losing hope for the future. Tragically I personally know two cases very close to home. For me the mass media is one of the biggest culprits with their sensationalist fear and blame tactics and has behaved in an unforgivable manner.

I pray one day, alongside governments, they will be put to trial.

I continue fighting for my daughters’ futures and for the hope that despite this current darkness, there is light at the end of the tunnel for a better earth and a conscious awakening. Every day brings new challenges; my saviors are quiet times in nature, friendship, music and my dark sense of humor.

In the meantime, who knows what will have happened from now till this book is published? The mind boggles…

Skye Coelho





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