´`Solitary Olive Tree, by the fountain, far from the grove, hospitable olive tree...´Antonio Machado, Olivo del camino
´The Virgin Gold Of The Olive Tree´ without doubt Olive oil is liquid gold, full of nutrients and a rich literary history predating the old testament. Much revered by ancient civilizations from Syria to Palestine, Asia minor and beyond. Lucius Junius moderatus Columella, a prominent writer on agriculture during the Roman empire, referred to the Olive tree as ´¨Ã“lea Prima Arborum est´´ The first among trees, a tree of great importance denoting status and wealth. Legend and symbolism surround this ancient tree from the Olive branch as a peace offering, the dove with the olive branch in its beak, Jesus being crucified on a cross made from Olive wood it is said etc
Food is medicine and indeed Hippocrates wrote extensively about the many health benefits of this ancient oil rich in antioxidants, beneficial fatty acids, antiinflammatory, a key ingredient in the true mediterranean diet contributing to a healthy heart...indeed its uses are infinite...
I had already decided that I and a small group of friends, would pick the olives and obtain our own oil up in the sleepy village of Relleu, Alicante, famed for its quality organic oil. My friend´s trees had not been pruned in years, nor had the land been tended to, making the task of picking rather complicated and indeed involved a few near misses when up ladders on uneven ground! My romantic vision quickly disappeared as we soon realized without the appropriate tools it was long back breaking work...
We spent many hours up ladders, squatting on the ground, climbing trees (that part, despite nearly losing an eye on sharp branches was good fun, reawakening the inner child in me!) and dodging some interesting insects and some scary looking tree spiders!
We picked around 130 kilos of olives the first time giving us some 35 litres of oil if I remember rightly. Rich nutrient dense organic oil from trees and land that had never been sprayed with pesticides!
The Olive press at Relleu
How I managed to fit 12 crates in my small Toyota Yaris and a dog I´ll never know but where there´s a will there´s a way...
I have to admit it was exhausting work and the weather and time constraints added to the stress. I vowed I would not repeat again until next year when the land had been properly prepared and with some real tools! However shortly after I was told of some land, well cared for with Olive laden trees just falling to the ground going to waste and I could not resist so here I was again, this time alone apart from one day with a few hours help from my daughter...
Over 100 kilos again in record time of amazing fat and juicy olives. I won´t lie, it´s hard work doing it the old way (most nowadays use machinery to shake the trees) but it´s also incredibly rewarding when you see the oil that you helped produce. The connection with nature and these ancient trees providing us with this medicinal gold, an elixir of life, is most definitely an experience!
Picture below; The oil infused with handpicked mountain herbs, rosemary and thyme :)