Today FREE promo of my book on AMAZON! Till Midnight tonight!
MONDAY 26th- My novel is available as a FREE download on
Amazon-please participate and help raise my AMAZON ranking! Thank you all.
Here is the link for the free app if you
don’t have a kindle reader so you can read it on your pc etc
Am going to give a brief explanation of what steps to take just in case not everyone is familiar with the process: Go to Amazon link for my novel: If you don't have a kindle reader- download this free app first then you can read it on your PC or phone etc you click on buy now ( even though its free) if you don't have an amazon account its quick and simple and they see you through the process. Any questions-ask me :)
Hi I can't download as its USA amazon not UK:(
Hi Louise-yes you can it's available on ALL amazon sites ( except those who don't sell KINDLE versions as I've just found out for the Emirates)
ReplyDeleteLet me know how it goes :)