Today I´m allowing myself to feel proud of having begun and completed 3 books, all written during very difficult times of my life.
My first, 'A Thousand Miles from Nowhere', written as a young struggling single parent, whilst very different to the following books, is still very much representative of a part of my life which continues within me to this day. A story of travel, relationships, growing up and experimentation...
Back at the beginning of 2020 during lockdown I wrote, '2020 When Time Stood Still', with the pen name Skye Coelho.
I was driven, compelled to write with an urgency whilst knowing most people were not yet ready for much of the content. I understand that and to this day, much of it will still be too raw or so close to home with the predictions, prophesy and observation of our current place in history and events unfolding on so many levels.
My latest book, 'Life´s Too Short for Ironing´ is a series of stories, thought pieces and poetry with both deep and meaningful content exploring grief, mental illness, eating disorders etc
There is much dark humour and hilarious experiences including our life with our animal family, parenting, menopause and hysterctomy experience, not to mention my adventures living off grid!
Up till now I hadn't had the opportunity to really market or share the books on other platforms but now I feel the time is right. Time to get the content out there!
I have also just finished recording the audio book version of Life's too Short so watch this space for the updates!
Go in peace and may the force be with you...
Link below to Life´s Too Short For Ironing
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