Are you there God? It's me, Amanita Muscaria. Part One.


Are you there God? It's me, Amanita Muscaria. Part One.

Amanita Muscaria/Fly Agaric: An introduction to my journey

An exploratory journey into plant medicine and my healing...

Yes reader, you are correct in thinking I must have read Judy Blume as a teen, reference in the title!

 It was our 80's go to manual to navigate the stormy seas of adolescence, though nowadays my go to manual for navigating life on Earth is slightly different but let's start at the beginning...

Why did I begin my Amanita journey?

I was being 'treated' for major depressive disorder and was on the antidepressant Trintellix aka Brintellix, (Vortioxetine) and consequently suffered severe adverse effects. 

I  am in recovery and doing much better, thanks to my own knowledge, research and support from family and friends.

 You can read a lot more about my Trintellix/Brintellix journey in the link below:

As the side effects of my meds were becoming more and more obvious, I prepared myself mentally for withdrawal (am still suffering some of the effects as I write this) I knew I had to have something natural prepared to help me when the moment was right.

I did not want to risk beginning anything until fully off the antidepressants for fear of inducing further adverse reactions and until I'd cleaned out my system as thoroughly as possible.

Many of my side effects were similar to those of my friend who recently had a Stroke/TIA. 

As I write this, one of my ongoing effects is APHASIA or ALEXIA and AGRAPHIA

I can tell you it has been most bizarre to write something and then try reading it out loud only to say something completely different to what is in front of me! For example, book/hook...

It's a little  frightening to be honest with you and upsetting. I have found I have to really concentrate and speak extra slowly when reading aloud...

 I was prescribed the highly addictive Diazepam for a period as the 'medical professionals' stated there is nothing else that would help and this was obviously only a short term solution. This was also to help with the 'mania' that I was experiencing, as If I were on amphetamines.

Did I really want this to become my next issue?! Sure, the odd pill here and there in cases of emergency but I know first hand what this particular Benzo is capable of...

My journey into plant medicine and belief systems

I've been interested in the healing properties of psychedelics for years, have listened to podcasts, watched documentaries, read books etc 

I've done more extensive research on psilycybin and at one point was in contact with King's college London regarding clinical trials they were carrying out for a particular mental health disorder.

However, apart from some amateur dabbling decades ago, it wasn't until 2021 that I began my serious medicinal healing journey following my father's passing and began exploring my grief and traumas. 

The ceremony experiences were profound and positive, something I shall write about more in depth at a later date, particularly DMT, 'The Spirit Molecule'.

Unfortunately, I did not begin a psilycybin micro dosing journey which I profoundly wish I'd done. Looking back now if I'd had the right knowledge in that moment, things could have been very different but sadly I turned to pharmaceuticals with disastrous results.


I am at very beginning of my Amanita journey, learning all about this incredible fungi and the many different varieties of mushrooms. 

I first listened to Amanita Dreamer last year and found her story to be fascinating as well as all as the information she had acquired on her personal Amanita journey. I highly recommend checking out her site for in-depth information.

Also another great source with important information and facts, Biophilia aka StoneAgeMan interviewing  Baba Masha:

It was upon meeting my boyfriend that I really began to deep dive more into Amanita. 

He had begun using it for similar reasons as my own re: nervous system crash and trauma as well as to replace the rather unpleasant Ritalin he had been prescribed following an ADD diagnosis. 

He collected it in the Danish forests where he lives and, following his own  research, began preparation and dosage, reporting that it had changed his life most certainly for the better.

So, what is Amanita Muscaria?Also known as Fly Agaric:

Amanita Muscaria is the most iconic of all mushrooms, the red and white speckled mushroom, visible globally on posters, ads, TV shows, garden is THE mushroom we all recognize yet understand so little about.

It is NOT of the same variety as the Psilicybin mushroom/magic mushroom as its popularly known, though Amanita is psychoactive.

The genus AMANITA contains several hundred types of agarics or mushrooms/toadstalls. Some of these are highly TOXIC especially the deadly DEATH CAP mushroom (Amanita Phalloides). 

This looks NOTHING like the AMANITA MUSCARIA mushroom. 

Common sense is crucial. I would not randomly walk through the forests and eat everything I find with no Knowledge of what it is.

Despite reports of toxicity, I read that no deaths from this type of Amanita  mushroom have been reported in the last 100 years!

There is much fear, misinformation, propaganda, lack of common sense. Many things can be dangerous when administered incorrectly: Would you take one paracetamol or 50 paracetamol to aid with your pain or headache? One glass of wine or ten bottles? 

Do you take care precautions when preparing food in order to prevent food poisoning?  

Likewise, You learn which mushroom is safe and how to prepare it.

Caution, correct preparation and correct dosage is fundamental in achieveing the desired effects and I will explain more on this in a moment.

Amanita Muscaria has a long rich history of use by Shamans the globe over and is considered by some to be the sacred mushroom. In Mega/heroic doses it is used in spiritual rituals for astral travel, prophetic visions, spiritual cure etc 

The image of the Fly Agaric is strongly linked to the tradition of Santa Claus and the Christmas festivities, indeed in some areas of Europe it has become common place to hang Amanitas on the Christmas tree, a belief that has its origins in Pagan traditions that related the Amanita with fertility and rebirth of nature during the winter solstice.

There Seem to be different regulations surrounding this shroom in different countries, in the Nordic regions and areas of Russia, where there is historic cultural use and shamanic tradion, there may be more permissiveness regarding its consumption in specific context.

In Spain (where I habitually reside) it is not regulated as a drug unlike other psychoactive shrooms like the Psylocybin variety, therefore there are no specific regulations banning its use. It is up to the individual to decipher its effects.

The link below will take you to a very interesting deep dive and describes the many properties and uses of Amanita, history and studies carried out:

'This ability to impart courage (or reduce anxiety) also played an important role in the shamanic use of this fungi. Among the Khanty, bears have been observed eating the fly agaric “during the rutting season in order ‘not to fear," a practice that has been compared with the shaman “who eats [fly agaric] not only for foretelling the future after having dreamed frightening events but also in order to encourage himself before meeting several spirits” (Saar, 1991a: 163, quoting Kulemzin, 1984). 

In this way, the fly agaric not only provides the shaman with the means for his otherworldly travels, but also imparts the courage necessary to embark on the journey in the first place.'

I'm sure there are  many articles out there regarding the stories of the  Vikings and the Fly Agaric, particularly 'The Beserkers' (going beserk anyone?) but I can only comment following my personal experience with Amanita that it would be IMPOSSIBLE to go beserk having dosed on this mushroom!

 However, having read the following article that mentions 'courage' being one of the emotions felt having ingested A M then who knows...P

Perhaps they took it after battle to calm and realign, rebalance after horrific violence and bloodshed?

Preparation of Fly Agaric and its effects:

If you are not purchasing the Amanita Muscaria from a trusted source then it is very Important to collect them in an uncontaminated area due to its propensity in absorbing heavy metals.

The Amanita Muscaria is known to grow under the Pine and Birch trees, which is where we find them here in the Danish forests.

Here is a good simple video explaining the preparation process:

As I stated before, I am a complete newbie at this, finding my way, understanding the chemical process and correct dosage...

When you heat the Amanita and carry out the decarboxylation process correctly, it converts the Ibotenic acid into Muscimol and this helps prevent the unpleasant effects of cramping, nausea and vomits.

Reportedly, Ibotenic acid levels is what causes the nausea etc. 

We have done the 20 minute preparation for microdosing and the 3 hour preparation for taking much larger doses. I have not experienced any unpleasant nausea, cramps or stomach problems with large doses after the 3 hour decarboxylation preparation. With the short prep I have only taken 1 dose (1 gram).

I have some intestinal issues, sometimes serious, so the preparation and understanding was of great importance as I did not want to induce any side effects that could trigger my gut issues.

Just like conventional medicine, it can interact with medications like antidepressants or antipsychotics.

I would strongly advise waiting until your system is clear before beginning your journey...

I am currently experimenting in finding the correct dosage for my nervous system and not to further accelerate my mind.

More information from Amanita Dreamer:

How does Amanita Muscaria feel?

 I have found so far that a one gram or two (as ice cubes) of the long (3 hr)  preparation has a very soothing effect like a natural version of Valium/Diazepam. I have taken up to 6 grams over a couple of hours and just felt very calm and subsequently eased me into a deeper sleep.

Sometimes in the morning I have a very slight heavy head,  in fact exactly same as Valium or slight hangover, which then disappears.

 It completely soothes and calms the nervous system. 

I find I can focus much better, I don't feel like I'm breaking into pieces or about to have a severe panic attack as I have been feeling both on and off the meds...

It softens the edges...

I do sometimes notice a kind of wave of heat come over me after I've taken it, though because I'm in the menopause it's often hard to differentiate from the hot flushes!

My boyfriend states that sometimes when he has not taken it, feels unfocused, everything around him feels rougher, harsher...

Who knows? Maybe Amanita won't be my plant medicine, maybe it will be something else or nothing?

Find what works for you, the correct dosage, chemical response and spiritual response...

I don't want to depend on anything, I simply want something natural that can help me when I need it alongside a holistic approach with what I'm doing now; Healthy Keto diet, intermittent fasting, Yoga, meditation and finding joy in small things...

Life can be a severely tough journey, losing multiple loved ones, ill health, global conflict and much more that we will no doubt face sooner or later...

I believe nature gifted us with her solutions to help us on this journey.

I will update further as I gather more Amanita Muscaria experiences...

Peace X

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