Anyone who has ever fully immersed themselves in a long term project, whether it be artistic or otherwise, may well understand the current, 'meltdown' or 'slump' I'm currently experiencing after finally publishing, 'A THOUSAND MILES FROM NOWHERE' the euphoria, adrenalin, anticipation...well, just like falling n love; you finally have to return to planet earth-and usually with a bump.
This is a most normal state I'm sure and eventually will subside and allow me to continue with the immense amount of marketing work that awaits-so someone actually reads the book-but more importantly where do I go from here? The answer is of course to continue writing. So step 2: we have the follow up to, 'A THOUSAND MILES FROM NOWHERE', or continue with the erotica stories, or the biography of an Indian Immigrant I've yet to start or my paper on 'family relationships'...!
As you can see, I'm not without ideas: Let the creativity flow...